一個小小的傳奇 ----

A Little Legend



原載於HiFi News & Record Review19903月號

作者: Trevor Butler

翻譯: 阿蜜




很難找到任何一個方盒子,如同BBC LS3/5A一般,能勾起如此多的情緒反應,或是製造出這麼多的迷思與誤解。光是它的名字,就引起了困惑,而實際上它只是單純的遵循了BBC的器材編碼方式。依循此一方式,音箱cabinets最前面的兩個字母以CT代表,分音器filtersFL,而喇叭loudspeakers則為LS。編碼中的3表示此一設計主要是供外製轉播(outside broadcast-OB)所用。如果此一編碼為5,則代表供錄音室廣播用,如LS5/9即是。在斜線後的5則是型號。LS3/5即取代較早的OB喇叭如LS3/1。所以我們可以理解LS3/5是當初開始製造時的編號。編號最後的A則是後來加上去的,用以表明第一次也是唯一一次的設計修正。如果有後續的修改的話,則會以B來標示,但那從未發生,也不太像會發生,其原因後文將述明。

There can hardly be another single box which as provoked as much emotive commentor given rise to so many myths and misunderstandingsas the BBC LS3/5AThe very name has caused confusionbut in fact it simply follows the BBC's coded equipment formatIn thiscabinets have the prefix 'CT'filters 'FL'and loudspeakers 'LS'hence the first two lettersThe figure '3' in the code indicates that the design is primarily for outside broadcast (OB) useA figure '5' would mean studio broadcastingas LS5/9The number '5' after the stroke is the model numberthe LS3/5 supplanting previous

OB speakers like the LS3/1So we arrive at LS3/5 which was the title of the initial modelLater the 'A' was added to indicate the first and only design alteration to the original specificationAny further specification change would result in a 'B'; but that hasn't happenedand isn't likely tofor reasons which will become apparent


此一喇叭的設計概念,是為因應BBC的某些製作環境:當以耳機監聽並不能令人滿意,而又沒有足夠空間來使用Grade I監聽喇叭時。Grade I監聽喇叭是用來調整廣播節目較具決定性的音調平衡,或麥克風的擺位等。現役的Grade I監聽喇叭是LS5/8LS5/9Grade II 監聽器則可用以監聽節目的品質,但音調平衡或麥克風擺位等則一般屬於Grade I喇叭的工作範圍,除非別無選擇。設計者因此體認到:前述情況將需要一種小型的Grade II喇叭,而為達成體積小巧的目的,犧牲部分低頻響應與響度便無可厚非。此種喇叭較可能的使用者為:電視外製轉播車的主控區,這些製作者需要以較正式混音時低的音量做監聽。

The concept of this speaker was to suit those BBC environments where monitoring on headphones was not satisfactory and yet there wasn't sufficient room for a 'Grade I' monitorA Grade I monitor can be used for critical tonal balancing of programme materialsetting of microphone positioningetcCurrent Grade I monitors are the LS5/8 and LS5/9A grade II monitor may be used for checking the quality of programmebut balance and mic positioning are normally Grade I-checked unless there is no alternativeIt was recognized that what would be required was a small Grade II unit with some sacrifice of bass response and loudness reproductionthis being justified for the sake of achieving compactnessThe likely users werefor instancethe production control areas of television OB control vanswhere there producer needs to listen at a lower level than that used for the actual mixing


當時市面上並沒有現成合適的商業產品,因此BBC設在Kingswood Warren的研究部門就被要求設計一對這樣的喇叭。才不到一個星期,原型機就被做出來,並進行實地測試與評估。之所以能這麼快,是因為LS3/5的設計,是脫胎於一對實驗性喇叭,該喇叭已經在Kingswood被用來做一些音頻比例測試(acoustic scaling test)的初步工作。

There was no suitably available commercial unitand so the Research Department of the BBC was asked to design oneat its headquarters in Kingswood WarrenLess than a week elapsed between this request and the first prototype being offered for field trials and evaluationThis came about because the LS3/5 was based around an experimental loudspeaker which had been developed for some preliminary work on acoustic scaling tests at Kingswood



By using one-eighth scale modelsand one-eighth wavelengths (IE8-times frequencies)recordings can be made by which the merits of particular acoustic techniques can be assessed without the expense of a life-size environment

Naturallythoughthis implies that the entire model reproduction chainof tape playerloudspeakermicrophone and recordermust be capable of operating at very high quality with a frequency range of 400Hz to 100kHzin order to be able to model accurately a typical bandwidth ofsay40Hz to 15kHz


照片中就是BBC19721980年間所使用的的這種模型喇叭,它代表了模製過程(modeling process)的一大進步。雖然它在音質及最大輸入功率方面有其侷限,這種小喇叭的組件卻被認為具有足夠高的水準,能滿足戶外廣播所要求的特殊小型監聽器。因此,這種組合就被稱為LS3/5,並顯示出當初的模型實驗者其實已經獲致很好的成果。

Pictured is the model speaker the BBC used from 1972 until 1980which represented a major step in the modeling processAlthough it had its limitationsprimarily in terms of its tonal quality and maximum power handlingcomponents of this small loudspeaker were found to be of a sufficiently high quality to help fulfil the demand for the unusually compact monitor needed in outside broadcast useThis was therefore packaged and called the LS3/5 and showed the model experimenters to have achieved good results


BBC自行製作了一小批這種喇叭,使用在電視轉播車的控制室中,並提供了令人滿意的效果。而後BBC終於面臨一種狀況:需要邀請外面的廠家在認證許可下製造LS3/5。實際上,Rogers1974219日發出了一則新聞稿,驕傲的宣稱將在該年4月的SONEX ’74大展中展示這種新喇叭。他們附上了一張照片與一組臨時的規格:25瓦的輸入功率,頻率響應80-20000Hz +/-3db,或是60-20000Hz +/-4db。分頻點設在3k Hz,低音單體為110m Plastiflex doped Bextrene 音盆,高音單體為27mm半球型Mylar振膜。定價為一只52英鎊外加營業稅!

A small number of these units where made in house by the BBC and used in television mobile-control-rooms where they gave satisfactory serviceThe BBC got to the stage of inviting applications to make the LS3/5 under license by outside manufacturersIndeedRogers issued a press release on 19th February 1974 which proudly announced that they would be exhibiting the new design at SONEX '74an exhibition to be held that AprilThey offered a photograph and a provisional specification25W power handling with +/-3dB 80-20000Hz and +/-4dB 60-20000kHzCrossover frequency was quoted at 3kHz and the units were a 110mm bass driver with a Plastiflex doped Bextrene cone and a 27mm Mylar dome tweeterThe price&52 each plus VAT!



Alasthoughthere were to be early problemsAlthough the BBC had confidence in the KEF B110 bass unit at the timewhen a subsequent batch of in-house LS3/5s was needed it was found that the low and high frequency units had undergone significant changes and a re-design of the speaker would be required before production could resume

Accordinglythe speaker was passed on to the BBC's Designs Departmentthen located in Great Portland Streetwith a request to modify it so that it would once again be suitable


當時的問題來自三方面:被改變後的B110單體,以不同於前的方式刺激箱體,導致染色的產生。這染色不僅來自低音單體,也來自音箱; 高音單體則產生出明顯的唇齒(lipsy)

The trouble was in three areas; the B110 had changedexciting the cabinet in a different wayproducing a coloration both from the LF unit and the cabinet; and the HF unit had developed a pronounced 'lipsy' quality



In an attempt to ensure that cabinet resonance would not cause problemsthe side panels had each been damped with a bituminized padand the top and bottom panels likewiseexcept that two layers were required hereIn additiona PVC edging was applied to the chassis of the LF unit and to de-couple it from the front panel and seal the joinIn order to damp the air modes of resonance insideall internal surfaces were lined with polyurethane foamThe cabinet was sealed to prevent air leakswhich might produce extraneous sounds from the high pressures produced - indeed even the screw holes were made airtightThe cabinet problems were associated with the softwood parana pine fillets which connected the back panel to the front; these had an insufficient impedance and were therefore replaced with beechThe back panel was re-specified from the precious sandwich of spruce to multi-ply birchthus obviating the voids often associated with spruceThis then became the CT4/11A


藉著此一修正機會,高音單體的高頻唇齒音也被加以處理。當時認為這個裸露的KEF T27 SP 1032高音單體很容易在工作場所打包綑綁時受到損害,故決定加上一層保護金屬格柵,並在Celestion HF2000單體上找到一個,稍事修改後即可適用。另外T27高音單體的振膜很小,其擴散方向近乎無指向性,故其外圍以一圈固定在前障板上的厚毛氈條加以圍繞,意在防止音箱突起的邊緣干擾造成聲音不連貫(acoustic discontinuity)。而前面網的效果也在設計中被考慮進來,因此聆聽時必須要裝上面網,以避免高音域的不平順。

The opportunity was also taken to sort out the treble lisp of the tweeterIt was felt that this unitthe KEF T27 SP1032was vulnerable because it was exposed and could easily be damaged during rigging at a venueIt was decided to incorporate a protection grille and a suitable one was foundwith some modificationfrom a Celestion HF2000The tweeter is surrounded by a thick felt-strip mounted on the baffle in order to prevent acoustic discontinuity presented by the edge of the cabinet setting up an interference patternsince the T27 radiating surface is small and the radiator nearly Omni-directionalThe addition of the protection grille was wholly beneficial as it raised the output at higher frequencies and help cure the lispThe effect of the Tygan cover on the front was taken into account in the designand the loudspeaker should always be used with the grille onto avoid discontinuities in the upper presence region



Having carried out these changesthe crossover had to be adjusted to compensate and the new typeFL6/23 replaced the original FL6/16Sporting these alterations the first variant of the LS3/5 was born - the LS3/5AThe 'A; suffix was necessitated because although the LS3/5A sounded similar to the LS3/5the differences were significant enough for it not to be possible to use a mixed pair for stereo listeningSince only small quantities of the LS3/5 had been builtthis did not present much of a problem and only 20 units had to be considered obsolete



For those not fully acquainted with itthe design is still now very much as it was thenwith just a few slight enhancements which came about over the yearsas will be explained


1977年產生了一些明顯的問題,而幾乎每個夏天,製造者的不良率都會稍稍提高。80年代初期做了一個修正,當時單體懸邊的凹陷(surround-dip)似乎稍微被更動了。解決之道為將負責控制它的分頻共振器(crossover resonator)調整到一較低頻率並更改制振電阻(damping resistor)。任何一個這類的修正都由BBC發佈給當時的製造廠家並併入執照中。當時並對高音單體並聯電容(coupling capacitor)的數值做了一些修正,這是整個平衡調整的一部分。當高音單體的材質更動時,它的’Q’值也跟著變動,並在頻率響應上產生一個輕微的偏斜(tippling)。此一並聯電容影響電路的型態並決定其制振為過度或不足(under or over damped)。為調整高音域的平衡,對FL6/23上一個tapped transformer的輸出做了調整,並且改變並聯電容以維持其分頻點。

There were a few noted difficulties in 1977and almost every Summer saw the reject rate at the manufacturers rise slightlyThe early 1980s saw a change when the surround-dip was seen to have moved slightlyThis was resolved when the crossover resonator controlling it was tuned to a lower frequency and the damping resistor changedAny alteration like this is issued by the BBC to the current manufacturers and is incorporated into their licenseThere have been also some adjustments to the value of the tweeter coupling capacitor; these are part of the relative balance adjustmentAs the material of the tweeter altersthe 'Q' changes and there is a mild 'tippling' of the responseThis coupling capacitor affects the shape of the network and decides whether it is under or over dampedTo adjust the treble balancean output from a tapped transformer on the FL6/23 is adjustedand the coupling capacitor changed to maintain the crossover frequency





1987年的重大修改已經在專門雜誌中被廣泛報導過了,而這次的變動主要卻來自於製造廠商的要求。經過這許多年以後,授權廠商之一RogersRichard Ross解釋道,雖然當時製造LS3/5A使其聽起來與測量起來均符合規格是可行的,且可以被接受;但單體符合容許誤差的良率卻有變動,尤其是低音單體。因為LS3/5A的特殊設計,雖然B110單體符合KEF的規格,剛好卻有一種特點,那就是在這種喇叭設計上最關鍵的部分,此一單體的誤差卻最不穩定。在炎熱的夏天,低音單體的不良率可以從10%85%。從授權廠商的經濟觀點而言,這是無法被接受的。

The major re-assessment of 1987 was widely reported in the specialist press; but this time the alterations had been requested primarily by the manufacturersAs one of the licenseesRichard Ross of Rogersexplainedover the yearswhilst it had been possible to make an LS3/5A which sounded and measured within specand which was acceptablethe number of unitsin particular the woofers which were within tolerance variedBecause of the particular design of the LS3/5Athe B100salthough being to KEF's standardshappened to have the point where their tolerance was most variable occurring at the most critical point in the speakers designIn hot summers the reject rate of the bass units could be anything from 10 to 85 per centandfor the licenseesthis was not satisfactory from an economic standpoint


在授權廠商發現難以製造品質劃一的單元的同時,BBC也有他們自己的問題。在1987年年底,成品品質似乎朝向能被接受的底限飄移。確切的說,它們被發現在1k Hz附近的八度有2db的隆起,而這正是影響聲音平衡的關鍵地帶。之前的LS3/5A在這一頻率通常也稍微隆起,但現在它隆起的程度卻開始使人不悅。必須要強調的是,它仍然可以在Grade II監聽喇叭的要求中運作,但以Grade I的標準而言,就無法被接受。

At the same time as the licensees were finding it difficult to make consistent unitsthe BBC was encountering their own problemsAt the end of 1987 it was noticed that the units were tending to drift towards the limit of acceptability

Specificallythey were found to be about 2dB up at a octave around 1kHza particularly critical area for balanceThere had always been a slight lift on the LS3/5A herebut now it started to become objectionableIt should be stressed that the units were still operating within limit for a Grade II monitorbut would have been unacceptable in a Grade I



The crux of the matter was again the 'surround-dip'the precise frequency of which varies by a few hundred Hertz over timeThis had become interactive with the box resonance to the extent that action was neededA change had to be brought about so that speakers could be manufactured which the BBC would find acceptableto provide them with a consistent loudspeaker they designedand wanted


BBC將這件事知會KEF,而KEF派其特殊產品部門”(Special Products Division)來做因應。此一問題被追本溯源,發現SP1003 B110所使用的二稀橡膠Neoprene缺乏一致性,為此,一款新的B110因應LS3/5A而設計出來。這次使用一種PVC的懸邊,其材質一致性較高,且對溫度變化較穩定,但是順服度較低。因此一個種新的蛛網狀音圈(spider voice-coil)構造就被用來使這種新單體保持與舊單體一樣的靈敏度,以獲致相同的低頻表現。這就是B110 SP1228單體。分頻器設計通常是一個爭論不休的領域,這當然也發生在LS3/5A上。幾經修改,正如報導所言,但這種喇叭的主要規格與整體聲音平衡卻維持不變。

The BBC referred the matter to KEFwho set their Special Products Division to workThe problem was traced to variations in the consistency of the Neoprene used in the making of the SP1003 B110 and so a new B110 was specifically designed for the LS3/5AThis uses a PVC surroundmore consistent and temperature stable than the Neoprene but less compliantA new spider voice-coil assembly was therefore required to give the new drive the same sensitivity as the older onein order to achieve the bass performanceThis is the B110 SP1228Crossover design is always a source of great debate and this has certainly been the case with the LS3/5AChanges have been madeas reportedbut the main specification and overall sound balance of the speaker have remained the same






關於這個主題,與LS3/5A有關的事足以寫成一本書。它的複雜性顯現在它的電路圖中。L1R1被用來等化軸線上的響應突起與低音單體的頻率特性。而C5L2R2這組則用來補償另一個響應凹陷。針對高音單體,L3的作用為一分流指示器(shunt inductor)與自耦變壓器(autotransformer),以便區別靈敏度的等級。C2是用以調整保持分頻點的衡定,而R3則用來避免鈴振(ringing),併同R4C6以調整高頻端的頻率響應。

A book could be written on this subject as far as the LS3/5A is concernedThe complexity is indicated in the circuit diagramL1 and R1 are employed to equalize the rising axial response and frequency characteristic of the bass unitwhile the group C5L2and R2 compensate for a hump in this characteristicFor the tweeterL3 acts as a shunt inductor and as an autotransformer to allow for differing levels of sensitivityC2 is adjusted to keep the crossover frequency constant and R3 is there to prevent ringingwith R4 and C6 to adjust the frequency response at the upper end


SP1228低音單體較先前的B110有著較平順的響應,也因此需要較溫和的分頻等化。於是當時決定:分頻器不能單只是重新設計,以補償驅動單體的改變,而應將新技術也整合進來。基本上這個等化裝置(equalization)與先前相當近似,其線路看起來也差不多。之前的設計使用前面提及的自耦變壓器作為高通濾波器的一部分,且用來以1db為單位調整高音單體的音壓。但是當高音單體的靈敏度越來越穩定(誤差在05db以內)時,設計者發現可以改用一個較簡單的衡定阻抗衰減器(constant impedance resistive attenuator),在+/-1db的範圍內以每段05db的方式作調整。這個較簡單的等化器(equalization)所帶來的效應之一,就是整體阻抗由原來的正常15歐姆變為現在的11歐姆。

The SP1228 has a considerably smoother response than the older-type B110and hence needs gentler crossover equalizationIt was decided therefore that the crossover could not only be re-designed to compensate for the change to the drive unitbut could also incorporate new technologyIn essence the equalization is very much the same with a similar looking circuitThe earlier design used the already mentioned taped auto-transformer as part of the high-pass filter and to adjust the level of the tweeter in 1dB stepsbut it was noticed that as the tweeter sensitivity was becoming increasingly consistent (to within 05dB)a simpler constant impedance resistive attenuator could be used to give the +/-1dB of adjustment in 05dB stepsOne consequence of the simpler equalization is that the overall impedance has been reduced from the previous 15ohm nominal to now 11ohm nominal



KEF analyzed the effect of component tolerances on the overall response and found that by tightening these in the most critical areas an improvement in consistency could be achievedIn previous units it had been possible to obtain a 2dB variationFor exampleif the network was +1dB in the critical area and the accompanying drive unit was also +1dB the two compoundedKEF decided that by opting for computer-aided matchingit was possible to nominally select components so that if the network was +1dB a drive unit with a -1DB figure would be chosen to give 0dB overall changeThe new crossover is the FL6/38SP2128/


因此,KEF得以提供配對的組件給製造廠家,雖然該公司自己並不完整組裝這種喇叭。目前所有三家授權廠家都使用KEF的配對組件。歸根結底,我們必須要說KEF做得實在很好!BBC交付給他們一只1975年製造的LS3/5A參考標準單元No6,而他們在1988年製造出的組件與之聽起來如此接近,甚至符合Grade 1的標準,且能在品質更為穩定的狀況下生產。因此LS3/5A的編號就被保留下來。

Therefore KEF was able to offer matched components to the manufacturing licensees even though the company does not manufacture the speaker in its entirety themselvesIt so happens that all three current licensees use the KEF matched partsAt the end of a day it has to be said that KEF did a superb jobThey were issued with a BBC LS3/5A reference unit (no6) of 1975 vintage and produced a set of 1988 parts which sounded so similar that they were within Grade I limitsand could be made much more consistentlyHence LS3/5A remains


Spendor過去都完全自行製造分頻器組件,他們表示如果情況需要,同樣能自行生產。他們現在使用鐵粉電感(勿與純鐵ferrite搞混),且被准許不使用先前的矽-E & I繞線電感(E & I transformer winding)E & I繞線(laminates)較為昂貴,因此他們也沒放過向KEF購買配對組件的機會。

Spendor used to make their own complete crossover units and say that they could start again if they situation called for it

They have now adopted the iron-dust inductorsnot to be confused with ferriteand have dispensed with their previous silicon-iron E & I transformer windingThe E & I laminates tend to be more costlyand the opportunity to buy the matched KEF sets was taken


Rogers多年來都使用各種純鐵與鐵粉電感,因為他們的研究顯示:鑒於在變換器(transformers)中微小的縫隙卻有著高磁場束,而在純鐵(ferrite)中有較大的空隙與許多磁性物質,因此與無線金屬(radio metal)或單向結晶鋼條(grain-orientated strip steel)比起來,這麼做較經濟,且有較佳的磁飽和品質。雖然繞徑較多,且直流阻抗稍微增加,磁飽和的特性卻相當的增強了。Rogers認為以現代的分頻技術,與其製造一個有縫隙的無線金屬扼流圈(radio metal choke),不如較單純的製造一個有2%3%誤差的鐵粉磁心電感。部分原因是因為這一設計很複雜,而任何可以使事情簡化的機會都不容錯過。

Rogers had for years used various ferrite and iron-dust coresbecause their research showed that they were more economical and gave superior saturation qualities compared with the radio metal or grain-orientated strip steelgiven that in the transformers there are quite small gaps with quite high fluxeswhereas in the ferrite’s there are big air gaps and a lot of magnetic materialAlthough there are probably a few more turns and the DC resistance rises slightlythe saturation properties are considerably enhancedRogers decided that with modern crossover techniquesit was simpler to make a 2 or 3% tolerance iron-dust core inductors than to make a gapped radio metal chokeThis is partly because the design is complicated and any opportunity to make things less so should not be avoided



It would perhaps have been simpler in the long term for the BBC to have completely re-designed the speakerand to have produced a LS3/5Bbut they did not want nor could they afford this optionsince some three and a half thousand of the existing design were in use up and down the countryAnd design change had to produce similar results and the same response because future models would end up alongside existing onesEven todaywhen a batch is taken to a locationit does not matter whether some are from one generation and some from another - they should all be capable of matching as stereo pairsThat in essence is the whole purpose of the designconsistency through production and during useanywhereTo sum upthenthe recent changes have offered no enhancements in terms of specificationsimply a means to provide better consistency in production to maintain the speaker's standardThis is now back on 'median' and so may sound a little different from those latter 'older models' of just pre-Christmas 1987but will sound the same as earlier production runs


在修改之後,阻抗稍微的有改變 --這可以由圖中的模式看出來,它反映出Rogers的兩種標準模式。當原本的阻抗為正常值15歐姆,新型號的正常值則接近11歐姆。檢視列線圖表(nomograph),我們可以看到舊款的阻抗在15歐姆,它使用了舊的等化器與舊的低音單體,這單體的阻抗大約是7歐姆。新的低音單體有較低的直流阻抗,但是在配上新的等化器後,二者的曲線形狀非常相近,儘管現在的平均數值較接近11歐姆。這仍舊意味著LS3/5A是由電壓而非電流所驅動,因此擴大機要能有撼動電壓的勁道(swing volts),並且有適當的輸出功率,但不能是低輸出阻抗者。

The impedance has altered slightly post modifications - this can be seen by the modulus shownreflecting the Rogers' two standard modelsWhereas the original was a nominal 15ohms the newer model is nearer to a nominal 11ohmsLooking at the nomographwe can see the original as 15ohmsusing the old equalizer and with the old bass unit which had about a 7ohm resistanceThe new bass unit has a lower DC resistance butwith the new equalizerthe curves are very similar in shapealthough the average level is now more like 11ohmsThis still means that the LS3/5A is voltage rather than current driven and needs an amplifier that will swing volts and produces reasonable power levelsbut not into low impedances



So an LS3/5A circa1977/78 will not in any particular way be better or worse than one from 1983 or nowThe consensus of opinion from those who understand balanceis that the system is the same and offers the same qualities as it always has in terms of its tonal characteristics


進一步說,近期的製品可說更為平順,因為高音的不平坦已經被去除掉了;而在使用新的懸邊之後,染色也被稍為減低,卻還不至於影響音調的平衡,因為對某一特定頻段染色的察覺,其實關係到整個喇叭系統的平衡與等化。因此,比如說在1k Hz附近的音調染色若被減低到某一可查覺的程度,可能會因而強調出其他頻段的染色。

In detailthe latest models are now marginally smoother because irregularities of the high treble have been sorted outand the coloration has been reduced by a small degree with the new surroundbut not so as to affect the tonal balancebecause the perception of localized coloration is all part of the balance of the loudspeaker system and its equalizationSo if the tonal coloration was reduced to an extent insaythe 1kHz region where it was noticeableit could highlight colorations elsewhere



The new design offers onlyin real termsa better consistencyexecuted by KEF to maintain the standardNo enhancement in terms of the specification was made although commentators say the loudspeaker now sounds a little better because it is back on the medianEssentially it produces the same soundThis has been backed by tests carried out at the BBC and with manufacturerswith regard to the unit’s stereo capability



The total number of LS3/5As made since the first license was granted is estimated to be around 60000 pairs so it is not surprising that a huge interest has been generated around the worldIn the BBC the speaker has found many uses from the one-man OB to the control and balance of experimental quadraphonic transmissions from the Promenade Concerts several years ago and in BBC Local Radio Stationsthe design provides the main cubicle monitoringEven sothe design has its fallbacks like the passive and complicated equalizer in the crossover to restore the loss of low frequency caused by the cabinet size and limited cone area



授權廠家                                                                                                                   Licensees



BBC設在Chiswick的器材部門(Equipment Department)自行製作了最早一批產品之後,他們核准幾家公司在特許下依合約製造,

The very history of the speaker has interesting connections with licensees who have been permitted to manufacture them

After early production runs at the BBC's own Equipment Department in Chiswickthe Corporation permitted a number of companies to apply to produce the speakers under licenseas it is obliged to do under its Charter


執照收費被用來補貼當初開發的花費,而非僅是一種以大量生產降低單位成本的手段,而該筆款項由工程部(Director of Engineering)而非BBC企業接收,因為BBC企業有其他由出版與錄音等所得的商業收益。目前有四家廠商有生產執照,但實際上只有兩家在生產。當初任職於BBC研究部門,且參與LS3/5A規劃的HDHarwood所創辦的Harbeth,與RogersSpendorGoodmans等廠家都獲權製造。Goodmans實際上已經停止製造,且未在合約到期時重新申請,而Harbeth則尚未開始製造。

The license fee is a means of recouping the original development costnot purely a way of cutting unit costs by mass-productionand the money is recovered by the Director of Engineering and not BBC Enterprisesthe commercial arm of 'Auntie' which has taken over other money making areas like publications and recordsRecently as many as four companies had licenses although in essence only two actually had a production line at that timeThis situation came about when Harbethformed by HD Harwoodd who was working on the LS3/5A at BBC Research Departmentwas granted a license while RogersSpendor and Goodmans were also permitted to manufactureGoodmans in fact had ceased production and did not re-apply for their license when the renewal time cameand Harbeth had yet to start making any


另一家授權廠商Spendor,由晚年的Spencer Hughes與當初同在BBC工作的Dudley Harwood合組。他們最初並未申請執照。當時該公司處在工作滿檔的狀況,但是在後續出現生產空檔時,他們也加入申請,因為實際上MrHughes非常瞭解這個設計與要注意的所有相關事項。

Another licensee manufacturerSpendorfounded by the late Spencer Hughes who had worked with Dudley Harwood at the BBCdid not apply for a license at the first opportunityThe company was then already working to full capacitybut when a 'vacancy' next arose it did applyencouraged by the fact that MrHughes knew the design and all that would be entailed by association with it



Rogers were involved almost from the start and now own the Chartwell branda company who also previously licensed to make the LS3/5AsThe parent companySwisstoneacquired the defunct Chartwella previous competitorin 1978 having merged with Rogers in 1975Manufacturing to quantity demandsin 1979 Rogers announced that it had sold its ten thousandth pair and proclaimed LS3/5A the worlds most successful small loudspeakerWith the Rogers total to date standing at 33534 pairs


Harbeth是最後獲得授權的廠家,目前由Alan Shaw經營。在所製造的第一批樣品通過BBC驗證後,目前已可合格的正式生產。他們所生產的是經過電腦輔助測試的版本。


The latest company to be permitted to manufacture is Harbethnow under the control of Alan ShawThey had samples from their first batch passed by the BBC and are now eligible for full production; all are of the computer-optimized type

This initial sampling processa condition of all licenseesis to assure the BBC that their speakers are being made correctlyThe licensee selects two units from the initial batch to send to the BBCOne of these is kept by the Corporation as that licensee's working referencewhile the other is tweaked so that it matches the BBC's own referencea unit from the very first in-house batchThis second speaker is then returned to the licensee and becomes the reference for all their subsequent units to be compared with



Earlier companies to have been licensed by the BBC have not fared as wellIt is agreed that the LS3/5A is not an easy product to make properly and must be marketed correctlySome names have fallen by the wayside because they found the market was not as large as they forecastand some found it too difficult to make to the BBC's tight tolerancesThese problems could be because people expect more than they see for a £250 loudspeakerand that without the correct marketingsales are just not realized



BBC對授權廠商產品的檢驗持續進行,而一些見不得人的事”(nasties)也被發掘出來。其中一個例個子是:一只送來檢驗的喇叭有著比正常為厚的金屬罩材質,造成了兩個八度音程有1 1/2db的響應凹陷。不用說這只喇叭很快就被退還了!

Names like Audiomasterwho launched their models in April 1976had a rather short lived license span while RAM never got any units out on the streetthey went bankrupt before the production line got underwayFalconwho were making crossovers for Goodmansmade a batch for ailing RAM company and then found themselves having to distribute the boards directly because RAM were not in any position to pay for themA flurry of activity was seen from JPW but no quantities to speak of ever materializedConstant checking of the licensees production is carried outand there are some tales of 'nasties' being foundThere's the case of a unit coming in for evaluation with a thicker than usual grille material causing a two-octave 1 1/2dB dipNeedless to say it was swiftly returned



Of the three current manufacturersSpendor says that although a percentage of their production line ends up in the UK80% of their sales are to the export tradethe areas being mainly Europethe USAand the Far Eastincluding Japan and TaiwanRogers also export to JapanEuropeNorth AmericaHong Kong and Singaporewith more sales to Japan than to the United Kingdom evenwherewhile a quantity go to the BBCthe hi-fi retail outlets get through a fair volume tooDespite the advances of other designsthe LS3/5A remains a reference standard loudspeaker in its class


謝詞                                                                                                    Acknowledgements


我受助於BBC工程部以確保本文的正確性。在BBC中,TSomervilleDELShorter兩位公認為現有的標準樹立了基礎。而LS3/5A的研發則仰賴研究部門的Messrs HDHarwood 與設計部門的MEWhattonRWMills兩位先生。我們對Whatton先生最近過世深表惋惜。

I am indebted to BBC Engineering for ensuring the accuracy of this articleWithin the BBC the work of two peopleT Somerville and D E L Shortermust be considered as having laid the foundation for current standardsThe particular work on the LS3/5A was carried out by Messrs H D Harwood of Research Department and both M E Whatton and R W Mills of Designs DepartmentIt was with deep regret that we learned of the recent death of MrWhatton