雅歌 / 羅倫莎旁斯 & 班傑博曼
Song of Songs / Lorenza Ponce & Ben Zebelman 

製造商:Spring Hill Music

☆ Amazon五星評價


 "Song of songs"是舊約聖經中的雅歌書,為所羅門之歌,是詩中最美的詩歌,從相遇戀愛,到結婚,到愛情經過考驗更趨成熟,它以男女對詠情詩的方式闡釋了愛情的真諦。最真實的信仰不一定要有建築莊嚴的教堂,也不一定要有肅穆冗長的儀式,只要隨時隨地接觸聖經,心領神會後自然就更接近神了。



 A uniquely powerful interpretation of one of Western culture’s formative works - the Biblical love poem Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon. Alternates the spoken sections with musical interludes composed by Ponce and Zebelman for a uniquely powerful result. A one of a kind release.

1. Declaration 
2. First Interlude 
3. Count Each Kiss 
4. Second Interlude 
5. How Beautiful You Are 
6. Third Interlude 
7. I Love To Look At You 
8. Fourth Interlude 
9. My Perfect One 
10. Fifth Interlude 
11. My Beloved Is 
12. Sixth Interlude 
13. Sweeter Than 
14. Seventh Interlude 
15. The Blossoms 
16. Eighth Interlude 
17. Devouring Flame 

Song of Songs / Lorenza Ponce & Ben Zebelman--樂音唱片行